Thursday, July 18, 2013



EMIT', v.t. [L. emitto; e and mitto, to send.]
1. To send forth; to throw or give out; as, fire emits heat and smoke; boiling water emits steam; the sun and moon emit light; animal bodies emit perspirable matter; putrescent substances emit offensive or noxious exhalations.
2. To let fly; to discharge; to dart or shoot; as, to emit an arrow. [Unusual.]
3. To issue forth, as an order or decree. [Unusual.]
4. To issue, as notes or bills of credit; to print, and send into circulation. The United States have once emitted treasury notes.




I find this word puzzling.  How do you explain such a powerful word?  I emitted today.  I didn't stink with body odor or putrescent substances, thank goodness.  That's a bonus.  But I believe I emitted a feeling that originated from me.  Two people commented today that they felt different, better for being around me today.  Oh, make that three.  (One of them told someone how they felt around me and they passed on the information to me.)  In all 3 cases it effected a change in them.  Strange.  I never thought I was particularly noticeable to anyone, much less emitting a positive energy.  I'm so used to being overlooked, that it feels strange to be noticed---especially for something good.  I am obviously not comfortable acknowledging this emission of myself, or for accepting the praise.  I believe I need to get over that.  


I emitted love today to my daughter.  Just a follow-up on the issue we were having.....I lifted the sentence.  No, I did not "give in", so don't think I'm a whimp.  I spent some time on my knees and all day today pondering if I was doing more damage than good.  I called my daughter into my room and we knelt and prayed together so we would both understand how to approach this situation.  


You know what?  She said, "Mom, I made a decision to not be angry or resentful.  I trust that you know I needed the discipline. I will not be repeating this behavior again."  She then cried meek little tears.  She said, "I don't want to be the kind of girl who throws a fit whenever she doesn't get what she wants anymore."  The entire incident opened up a dialogue we'd never had before, and I was able to tell her I loved her.  She emitted such meekness and humility.  I was then able to truly emit a motherly love that she'd blocked before.  She felt my love.  I felt her sincerity.  So no, this was not giving in.  I lifted the sentencing from her because she had learned the lesson and decided to receive it with and in love.  MAJOR breakthrough today with her.  


You know what else?  I can actually feel emissions going from me.  Whether it's love or anger, carelessness or carefulness, smiles or frowns......I can actually FEEL them going forth from me.  My enthusiasm for knowledge is apparently catchy and people are receiving it happily.  Who knew?  


I wish I could take a couple of days and really get to know this word inside and out.  As it is, just with one day, I feel I am on the verge of discovering something seriously grand about this word; perhaps even more grand than what I've already experienced today.  


That's how I feel about all these words:  If  I were to meditate and ponder each word for 2 or 3 days, I think I'd actually have some "vision quest" experience with them, so powerful are they.  Words are powerful.  There is certainly more to this word than meets the eye.  What a fascinating journey this is!



1 comment:

  1. Larry, I want this book.

    I think I will see if it is in a library near by. You might find it interesting, too.
