Thursday, June 27, 2013



CURIOUS, a. [L., care. See Cure.]
1. Strongly desirous to see what is novel, or to discover what is unknown; solicitous to see or to know; inquisitive.

2. Habitually inquisitive; addicted to research or enquiry; as a man of a curious turn of mind; sometimes followed by after, and sometimes by of.

3. Accurate; careful not to mistake; solicitous to be correct.

4. Careful; nice; solicitous in selection; difficult to please.

5. Nice; exact; subtile; made with care.

 6. Artful; nicely diligent.

7. Wrought with care and art; elegant; neat; finished; as a curious girdle; curious work Exodus 28 and 30.

8. Requiring care and nicety; as curious arts. Acts 19.

9. Rigid; severe; particular. [Little used.]

 10. Rare; singular; a a curious fact.

Interesting definitions!  I only related my own understanding to 2 or 3 of these definition, but never would have supposed the other definitions.  Rigid?  Severe?  Particular?  Careful?  Accurate?  You've got to be kidding!  I would never have gone there.  

However, that being said, I'm reviewing my day and seeing where I've done any of this.  I am certainly inquisitive, truly addicted to  research and to discover what is unknown.  

I went to the temple today and couldn't soak up enough information.  Sometimes I get frustrated with what I want to know, but have to wait to find out.  Sigh.  Still, I learned a lot and am grateful for a broadening understanding of what God wants me to do about it. 

They say that "curiosity killed the cat", portraying being curious as a bad thing.  Curiosity comes with its risks, of course, but without it nothing would get done or discovered in this world.   Inquisitive.  Hmmm.  I have recently had the opportunity to teach some learning skills to a friend of mine.  He was particularly excited when I showed him a technique in asking questions.  "The question is in the answers", I said.  As he started asking questions of everything he was seeing, he got very excited about it.  Asking the right questions opens us up to a whole new world of awareness.  Being inquisitive.  

I am curious.  I want to know things.  Sometimes I feel that if I don't learn certain things, I'll literally burst.  My personality requires it.  I like being curious.  Being curious makes me feel alive, vibrant.  I like this word a tremendous amount.  I'm curious as to what tomorrow will bring. 


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