Thursday, January 30, 2014


Thurs., Jan. 30, 2014

      To act with force; to operate with vigor; to act in producing an effect.
      To give strength or force; to give active vigor to

This word scared the daylights out of me.  Over the last few years, my energy has been waning, for whatever reason.  It is something I have been battling with for some time now.  So this word was a bit daunting to me, as I thought I lacked it.  However, I have been misled by myself.  Though I don't act with a lot of vigor, I seem to have an ability to give vigor to people, to motivate them into action.  Makes me feel like a bit of a hypocrite, but it's something positive I have been able to do for others.

I absolutely do act with force, however.  When I set my mind to something, it is hard to hold me back, no matter how much energy I lack, even if I have to snail along to do it.  It bothers some people, maybe.  But for myself, getting things done, even if by sheer will, brings a happiness and satisfaction to me that I love.  It is not my source of self-worth, but rather an expression of who I am, perhaps. I have no aspirations in showing the world what I can do.  I just love DOING.  It brings me a type of peaceful joy that nothing else in my life has been able to bring.

Have I brought this word to pass in my life today?  In some ways, yes.

I coached a person today in the coaching program, telling her that the problems that have surfaced for her were an exciting thing.  And, as I spoke, I KNEW it was an absolute truth and the excitement for her challenge built inside of me.  I was sincere.  I didn't make it up.  I knew with a sure knowledge that, because she was having these difficulties and because she was so desirous to change them and be happy, that the lines of communication between her, her body and heaven were completely open.  Even thinking about it right now, I get all excited all over again!

How funny that energizing her energized me.  Huh.  Who knew!?  I believe I have just stumbled onto a true principle that exists in the Law of Cause and Effect (I am studying that Law right now.  It's fascinating.).  How miraculous that it has now come into fruition in a small way into my life right now, as I have been studying that very thing.  Wow!  This is getting seriously fun.

I also energized this morning when I got up and didn't whine to myself as I creaked out of bed.  I decided yesterday morning that I was just going to plod along and DO something, anything, to fight this tired feeling of fatigue that about got me down for a few days.   As I did so, I seemed to get more and more motivated to do more.  So I did.  It was strange, for the first time between each and every small task, I stopped and acknowledged the deed in gratitude.  No expectations.  No plans.  I just did.....then expressed gratitude.  And the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of another something.  I repeated this throughout the day and felt more energetic and awake as the day went on.  It was awesome.  I am doing the same today.  I think I like this!

I thought the e-words were going to be harder.  They were in the beginning, but I may now be getting the hang of this:)

So, for what it's worth, this word wasn't so scary afterall.  I just hope I can act with force for good, that I can give strength and active vigor to those who need it, when they need it.  I will continue through my day to see how I can manifest this word more today.