Sunday, February 2, 2014



     To make eternal; to give endless duration to.

Well, uh, I don't know what to say.  I usually meditate on these words the night before I actually use them, but today was a complete surprise to me.  Today was the Sabbath.  The Lord's Day.  I am such a strong believer in His Day.  We go to great lengths to not have to labor on Sundays, and we try really hard to keep the world out and the Spirit of God in.  So, twice as much wood was brought in yesterday so we wouldn't have to do it today.  At least one meal was prepared in advance so we wouldn't have to cook.  That minimized the dishes, so we wouldn't have to do much in that arena either.  We re very careful about the type of music we listen to on the Sabbath, as well.  As you can see, we try very hard to keep still on the Lord's Day so that the Holy Ghost will feel welcome in our home, that our worship and thoughts will be on God.   

I did meditate on this word last night.  I actually woke up with ideas and answers to prayer lining up in my head in perfect order, that I could understand what was happening very clearly.  I even wrote a lot of it down.  They were very sacred to me, so I probably won't share them online.  Suffice it to say, when all was said and done, my day to day perspective was altered quite a bit in that I understood some things longer term than what I was used to.  My meditation and prayers were internalized, brought into focus, opened up to.  As a result, the duration of my understanding was lengthened and broadened into some hard-core truths.  It was downright miraculous!  I learned some eternal truths today!  This was a big deal!  As I learned truth, I felt a relaxation come over me that felt like I'd been set free from some stupid ideas I'd had about these topics, that I can't help but know that there is a God in Heaven.  And He makes a lot of sense when I'm ready for it.  Well, whattaya know?  The truth really does set you free.  I can feel it.  

That, my friends, feels like eternity.  And I feel a part of it within myself.  I have been somewhat eternalized.  It feels great!  



     To take, clasp or enclose in the arms; to press the bosom, in token of affection
     To seize eagerly; to lay hold on, to receive or take with willingness that which is
     To comprehend; to include or take in
     To comprise; to enclose, to encompass; to contain; to encircle
     To receive; to admit
     To find; to take; to accept
     To have carnal intercourse with
     To put on

Unexpected results.  (Are the results of these words EVER predictable?!?)

I am a "list" person.  I make lists.  And then I knock myself  out to accomplish doing everything on my lists so that I feel good about myself.  It's been highly stressful in the past.  But not so much so today.  Today I took "to find; to take'  'to accept" to heart and just allowed myself to get everything on my list done.  And I did it, too, with complete ease.  I seized eagerly, laid hold on, and received and took with willingness all that the day offered me today.  By so doing, I was kind and patient, even in trying situations, allowing the events of the day to simply unfold while I watched and experienced it.  Constant allowing.  Constant learning.  Constant doing, even if all I am "doing" is sitting on the sofa crocheting or something.  It left me with peace and contentment.  I accept this phenomena with simple acknowledgment and enjoyment.

I originally thought I might have to go around hugging everyone in sight to have an experience with this word.  Thankfully, the word manifested in a different way.  Whew!  That could've been seriously awkward at Winco and the local Dollar Tree.  Gah!  The way this word manifested itself was so much more graciously done than it would have been had I tried to force it by my own limited understanding.

*happy sigh*   A good, busy, peaceful day.  Very good.  I seized eagerly opportunities to do things, but was so laid-back about it all.   NO stress.  No grumpiness.  No pressure to go check my list and push to get it done. I embraced all that was good and marvelous about even the most mundane of my tasks of the day.

Another *happy sigh*.

Saturday, February 1, 2014



     To make equal or level
     To reduce the apparent time or motion of the sun to equable, mean proportion
          (mean = of little value OR in the middle)

Okay, I looked at this and one word went through my mind.  "Huh?"  I had to look up 3 words just to understand this definition.  Even then, I still didn't completely get it.  I still don't know if I got even now.  However, it manifested in some interesting ways, nonetheless, that I believe would fit loosely into those parameters.

The "of little value Or in the middle" part was what got me.  And the "reduce time" one, too.  It all came down to one thing for me........Simplify.  At first I thought "to make equal or level" meant that everything needs to be "fair".  These definition were really starting to mess with my head and I had to make sense of them so I could manifest it during the day.

So, last night I meditated and visualized and prayed and all those wonderful things and really pondered on this word and its various definitions.  It was so uniquely interesting, really, in that before I even fell asleep for the night, the word was already taking shape in my mind how it would show up the next day.  And it did almost exactly as I thought it would.  Isn't that interesting?  I think that's interesting.

Again, it came down to "simplify".  Break things down during the day, relax, plod along, but take the complication out of everything and just "do".  I got a lot of things done today that I wasn't looking forward to, that have always been a headache to deal with in the past, but today I simply relaxed, saw things for what they were, took the drama and complication out and just did it.  I thought it would take all day to get these things done, but in actually was done with hours and hours to spare.  As a result, I got to spend a lot more time with my children having a laid-back good time instead of always telling them what to do.

For example:  The piano needed cleaning off.  We are a very musical family and have multiple piano players in the household, so the music pieces and books pile up very high on the piano.  No one ever puts them away properly, so they just stack and stack and stack.  Well, today I decided to simplify.  It started with gratitude. I thanked the Lord for the abundance of music we have in our lives and for our talents on the piano that allowed expression of those talents.  I don't know exactly what that did, but it definitely did something.  The feeling in the whole household changed literally in an instant.  I don't know how to explain it, but suddenly everyone was cooperative.  It was done in a matter of 10 minutes and done well.  No complaining.  Not even a little.  The one I assigned to take care of it simply got up and did it.  Simply.  No fuss. No muss.  Now, because of focusing on this word like I have today, I now know that such cooperation from the kids is possible.  Seriously, this is liberating.

Another one was the laundry room.  It was a serious pile of mess.  Again, I did the gratitude thing, thanking the Lord for having such a wonderful room to clean and for the abundance of clothing that filled it.  And again, something happened.  I asked that it get done, and it was done.  Again, no complaining.  No "aw, Mom!", nothing of the sort.  And again, it just seemed to come together in a matter of minutes, and it was done well.  Several times this happened today with a myriad of different scenarios and circumstances.  All was done simply, efficiently, and happily.  Hmmmmm....a pattern started to emerge; a formula; an equation.

Unpleasant chore + gratitude - unpleasant attitude = happy, pleasant balance in the home.

I didn't have to get mad or anything!  I expended the most minimum amount of energy motivating the day as I ever have, like, ever!  Somehow, the big drama we usually have was minimized, made into something of little or no value.  Hah!  And, by so doing, reduced the time it normally took to do it.  Double Hah!  This is FANTASTIC!  (and I got to get down on the floor and play a stupid card game with my kids and it was a blast.  I seldom have time to do that, and usually even have the desire to do that even less.)  I had time to spare and a good attitude to match.  Equal.

I know I've said it before, when I announced that I thought the e-words were hard, but I am thinking I'll soon be rescinding that statement.  These words are getting easier and easier to act upon.  I don't know how this is coming about, but it actually is.

It's a marvel.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Thurs., Jan. 30, 2014

      To act with force; to operate with vigor; to act in producing an effect.
      To give strength or force; to give active vigor to

This word scared the daylights out of me.  Over the last few years, my energy has been waning, for whatever reason.  It is something I have been battling with for some time now.  So this word was a bit daunting to me, as I thought I lacked it.  However, I have been misled by myself.  Though I don't act with a lot of vigor, I seem to have an ability to give vigor to people, to motivate them into action.  Makes me feel like a bit of a hypocrite, but it's something positive I have been able to do for others.

I absolutely do act with force, however.  When I set my mind to something, it is hard to hold me back, no matter how much energy I lack, even if I have to snail along to do it.  It bothers some people, maybe.  But for myself, getting things done, even if by sheer will, brings a happiness and satisfaction to me that I love.  It is not my source of self-worth, but rather an expression of who I am, perhaps. I have no aspirations in showing the world what I can do.  I just love DOING.  It brings me a type of peaceful joy that nothing else in my life has been able to bring.

Have I brought this word to pass in my life today?  In some ways, yes.

I coached a person today in the coaching program, telling her that the problems that have surfaced for her were an exciting thing.  And, as I spoke, I KNEW it was an absolute truth and the excitement for her challenge built inside of me.  I was sincere.  I didn't make it up.  I knew with a sure knowledge that, because she was having these difficulties and because she was so desirous to change them and be happy, that the lines of communication between her, her body and heaven were completely open.  Even thinking about it right now, I get all excited all over again!

How funny that energizing her energized me.  Huh.  Who knew!?  I believe I have just stumbled onto a true principle that exists in the Law of Cause and Effect (I am studying that Law right now.  It's fascinating.).  How miraculous that it has now come into fruition in a small way into my life right now, as I have been studying that very thing.  Wow!  This is getting seriously fun.

I also energized this morning when I got up and didn't whine to myself as I creaked out of bed.  I decided yesterday morning that I was just going to plod along and DO something, anything, to fight this tired feeling of fatigue that about got me down for a few days.   As I did so, I seemed to get more and more motivated to do more.  So I did.  It was strange, for the first time between each and every small task, I stopped and acknowledged the deed in gratitude.  No expectations.  No plans.  I just did.....then expressed gratitude.  And the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of another something.  I repeated this throughout the day and felt more energetic and awake as the day went on.  It was awesome.  I am doing the same today.  I think I like this!

I thought the e-words were going to be harder.  They were in the beginning, but I may now be getting the hang of this:)

So, for what it's worth, this word wasn't so scary afterall.  I just hope I can act with force for good, that I can give strength and active vigor to those who need it, when they need it.  I will continue through my day to see how I can manifest this word more today.