Saturday, June 22, 2013


 Saturday, June 22, 2013
C-word: Charismatic

Charismatic: adjective
Charisma: noun
Greek, favor, gift, from charizesthai to favor, from charis grace; akin to Greek chairein to rejoice 

This was an interesting day.  I've been thinking about this word.  I am learning through this whole program and the c-words that I can literally think these words into happening.  Weird!  But real, nonetheless.  It is getting to be an almost surreal experience with these words.  It seems that once I actually connect with a word, it literally brings it into being in my life---usually without even trying.  

So....charismatic.  I've never thought of myself as much of a charismatic person.  I looked up this word and found where the word came from, which I recorded above.  Favor; gift; grace; rejoice.  Wow.  Pretty powerful stuff.  

I've come to the point with these words that just thinking about them brings actual experience with them.  I loved the root meanings of this word, as they're attributes I strive to obtain.  I seldom succeed, but I believe I'm picking up the pace on that one.  It's slow, but it's comin' along.  

So I decided I would just go with the flow on this word.  I've said it out loud several times today.  Unlike being "charming", which is a manipulative and sometimes selfish word, as it pushes ourselves on others, "charismatic" actually draws people in!  People actually WANT to be around truly charismatic individuals.  

So, going with the flow, I came in contact with several people today, at least one of which is a really bothersome, rather dysfunctional individual.  Very needy.  Again, I just went with the flow---and ended up having quite a nice talk with her.  It was pleasant!

Same at Jo's house.  Charisma, I believe, is in all of us.  It is my opinion that we're all born with charisma, but it is trained out of us by society and the insecurities which drive people away are trained in.  That''s my opinion, however true that may or may not be.  I certainly believe it, though I don't know if that's an absolute truth.  For now, that's been my experience.  

I've had little kids that don't normally give me the time of day come and sit peacefully on my lap today.  Just because they felt like it.  Weird, huh?  My husband was drawn to me, wanted to be around me.  My teenage son, who usually has better things to do than talk to his old fuddy-duddy mom, WANTED to spend time with me tonight.  I KNOW, right?

This is what I meant when I realized that being "charismatic" actually means you're drawing people in!  This is really quite remarkable and means a lot to me.  These words have power---each and every one of them.  Today I saw the power of the word "charismatic".   It was quite a privilege to connect with this word.   

That's what I'm learning:  connecting with the word brings it into being.  For real.  The secret, then, is to connect to it.  The rest just falls into place.  This program is a blast of experiences and information!  I am not only improving my vocabulary, but I'm actually EXPERIENCING stuff!  And I'm learning tons about myself and the people around me.  What a great program!  

1 comment:

  1. Right!? I'm finding the same thing to be true for me. Finding a way to connect with the word makes it... happen. It's really cool! (You said it better than I could! LOL!)
