
1. Full of color; abounding in colors: colorful leaves in the fall.
2. Characterized by rich variety; vividly distinctive: colorful language.
Full of color. I was looking for colors today. I was looking for green leaves and grass, the yellow of the sun, the red hues in the sunset, the browns in the soil. Well, I'm in blackfoot. Not a lot of green trees where I'm staying. Lots of dusty weird-colored Russian Olive trees. Lots of brown grass, considering we're in a drought. And the sky was overcast most of the day, so the yellow and brightness of the sun was obscured. I was disappointed. The places I expected to find color, I found very little.
When am I going to learn that I can't MAKE these words happen to my own understanding? The words have a life of their own. Why do I continually try to shape them to what I think they should be? Like, duh!
I am beginning to realize that if I simply look for what the word is trying to tell me, I get much more out of it, it is easier to connect to.
Colors are adjectives, always describing something. Today I was orange. Or at least my shirt was. But the shirt was on me, making me appear to be orange to the naked eye. But my pants were blue. So that made me orange and blue today. Today I was orange and blue! Jennifer was yellow. She wears yellow well. Little Eva is blonde. I didn't notice her clothing today, as she changed over three times into something new each time, but I did notice her beautiful California blonde hair. Today, Eva's I.D. in my mind was blonde. Plaited blonde.
It is so hot here, over 100 degrees. Everyone here is flushed and glistening with sweat. I think that I will name 2 more colors. Flushed. Glistening. Faces held a heat-induced flush and their skin glistened with sweat. It was quite attractive on most of us. Even me. It was color. Our cheeks and faces were full of color. Colorful.
Color brings things to life. Being void of color indicates something is dead. Color has luster. Death erases luster.
I could actually HEAR color today. Even my ears were full of color. Vibrant sounds abounded. I could hear crickets, locusts, cicadas. I could see vibrancy in all around me today.
I would say that colorful could go hand in hand with contrast. My orange shirt is quite bright. I'm certain blind people could see me coming with a shirt like that. Bright enough to penetrate even the most unseeing eyes. Yep, it was one of THOSE orange shirts. Make the blind see, or the seeing blind. Quite loud. In contrast, Jennifer's soft yellow shirt had a more calming effect than my hunter safety shirt. And yet both were noticeable, both briefly enhanced our identity for the day.
I'm glad I'm learning to let these words speak for themselves instead of me having to arrogantly try to make them fit into my own understanding. I like that phrase...Let the words talk. "Colorful" talks. I like it's language. Vibrant. Alive. Color means that I'm alive. I live. I am colorful.
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