Friday, July 5, 2013



CULTIVATED, pp. Tilled; improved in excellence or condition; corrected and enlarged; cherished; meliorated; civilized; produced by tillage.

This was the final word for my C's.  I'm actually emotional today thinking of it.  I thought it was a great word to end with for my first 30 days.

I want so many things.  I want to improve in excellence or condition.  I believe these words are helping me to do exactly that.  I am a different person today than when I started 30 days ago.  

I have grown up in farming communities and lived in a few of them as a wife and mother.  I prefer those communities over urban areas.  For years I have watched farmers till the ground, preparing to plant their crops, be it corn, wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, alfalfa, mint, carrot seed, or a simple garden, etc.  I have seen a variety of crops grown throughout my life.  Interestingly, though the seeds planted were all different, the process for preparing the ground was pretty much the same.  The care taken, the exactness of which the rows were made and planted....the process is essentially the same for nearly every crop. 

The ground has to be prepared, or nothing but wild weeds will grow, if even that.

I feel that these words are preparing me to be something.  I am not a corn kernel, or a barley seed.  I don't know what I am yet.  Yes, I'm a human being.  I get that.  Like, duh.  But I've been looking around at other human beings, and I'm not sure I want to be like that.  I know that people can be kind.  I have met many kind people in my life.  I know that human beings can be smart.  I've met many of those, as well. But even smart people can be mean.  I am smart, and I have a mean streak in me that I'm trying so hard to overcome.  The C-words have helped me progress in that endeavor.

I want to be more than a human being.  I don't think being a human being is enough.  Not for me, anyway.  I want to be more than human.  I want to be divine. I don't often see the divine in human beings.

I feel that the C-words helped me prepare the ground so I can be planted and  developed now.  It certainly revealed the type of soil I'm made up of.  Part of "cultivated" means to till.  Ever watched someone plow or till?  It digs things up, brings things to the surface, bringing to the visible eye things that were hidden in the ground.  It is complete and total upheaval.  It is necessary, or the seeds planted will not grow. 

The C-words dug stuff up for me, and brought them into awareness, things that I was not aware of before.  This first 30 days showed me on a much deeper level my true character.  I learned that I am a pretty decent human being, but again, that's not enough for me.  I want more. 

What will my fruit be?  What kind of seed will I produce someday?  What will I truly be when I really grow up? 

This is quite the adventure, these words.  I never know what they'll reveal or produce in me.  They almost always surprise me; some good surprises, some disappointing surprises.  But they're doing their job. 

Who knew?  I have concluded one major thing with this program.  Words are perhaps the most powerful things on Earth.  Even more powerful than the people who use them.  Wow. 

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