Wednesday, July 17, 2013


EXACT', v.t. egzact'. [L. exigo, exactum. See the Adjective.]
1. To force or compel to pay or yield; to demand or require authoritatively; to extort by means of authority or without pity or justice. It is an offense for an officer to exact illegal or unreasonable fees. It is customary for conquerors to exact tribute or contributions from conquered countries.
2. To demand or right. Princes exact obedience of their subjects. The laws of God exact obedience from all men.
3. To demand of necessity; to enforce a yielding or compliance; or to enjoin with pressing urgency.

EXACT', v.i. To practice extortion.


Well, definition 1 and 2 don't really apply, I feel, as they are enforced, must use force to make it happen.
The 3rd definition is more in keeping with what I feel I should do:  " enjoin with pressing urgency."

THAT one is what I put into effect today.  I worked on my business quite a bit today, hashed out some details, things that I've been putting off because I've been overwhelmed by them.  But, because of my e-word today, it was easier to get down to brass tacks and make some progress with it.  It was highly productive, as I was able to pinpoint more exactly what needs to be done from here on out.  I exacted a result to enjoin with pressing urgency.  Cool. And a relief.  Now I can move past it and get even MORE done.  Yay!

I guess I also had to make a demand, exact some obedience from one of my children, so I suppose definition #2 might actually apply.   My 14-yr-old daughter took off this afternoon without telling anyone where she was going.  She didn't ask permission, didn't inform anyone as to her destination.  She had accepted a babysitting job without letting me know, and I had no idea where she was.  Moms panic in those situations.  I know that she's almost 15 and is beginning to assert some independence.  I respect that.   She is definitely growing into a young woman and is testing the boundaries of her maturity.  I get it.  And I understand it.  However, she's not an adult yet, hasn't yet earned the trust this kind of thing takes.  This is a situation that has repeated itself countless times and she just doesn't seem to get its importance.  How can we be good stewards over her if we don't know where she is?  Does she not know how dangerous that kind of behavior is?  Does she really think that she's smarter than those of us who are seasoned and wise? Does she not understand that defying true authority is a recipe for a miserable life later on?  Did I mention this type of behavior is dangerous in this scary world?  Like, duh! And what is it going to take for her to get it? Like I said, this has been going on for some time now, and she is heedless of the rule. 

Her birthday is Tuesday.  She had permission to go on a 3-day water park outing with a family she babysits for.  She was going to be gone Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  This WAS her birthday present.  I REALLY find this whole thing distasteful, but I had to pull the privilege from her.  She's devastated, has been crying.  I had to "exact obedience".  Do kings and queens feel guilty when they have to do this with their subjects?  Granted, she's not my "subject", but she is my daughter, over whom I have a serious stewardship.  I really want to cave, but that would not be exacting the desired result---for her to learn obedience.  I don't want subjection from her.  Just obedience.  If  she cannot honor her father or mother, she will never be able to truly honor herself; or her friends; or her future husband; or her children.  In the long run, I know this will be just a little sting.  But for now, I feel like I've ruined her life.  She feels like that too.  She doesn't know the favor I've paid her tonight, doesn't know the kind of love it took to stay firm in exacting obedience from her.  I really wanted to give in and let her have what she wants, but what would that have accomplished?  Aaaugh!  I am driving myself crazy with guilt and parental reasoning.   I love her so much, I'm going to follow through with it.  I love her!  When is the little stinker going to see that?  When she has her own 15-year-old daughter, most likely.  I so wish she didn't have to learn this the painful way.  I so wish it. 

Sigh.  This was exactly what I was hoping to avoid today.  Double sigh. 

To "exact obedience" from another has been a difficult thing for me today.  I hope the coming days aren't so painful. 


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