Saturday, July 13, 2013



EFFECT', n. [L. effectus, from efficio; ex and facio, to make.]

1. That which is produced by an agent or cause; as the effect of luxury; the effect of intemperance.

Poverty, disease and disgrace are the natural effects of dissipation.
2. Consequence; event.

To say that a composition is imperfect,is in effect to say the author is a man.
3. Purpose; general intent.

They spoke to her to that effect. 2 Chron.34.
4. Consequence intended; utility; profit; advantage.

Christ is become of no effect to you. Gal.5.
5. Force; validity. The obligation is void and of no effect.
6. Completion; perfection.

Not so worthily to be brought to heroical effect by fortune or necessity.
7. Reality; not mere appearance; fact.

No other in effect than what it seems.
8. In the plural, effects are goods; movables; personal estate. The people escaped from the town with their effects.EFFECT', v.t. [from the Noun.] To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be. The revolution in France effected a great change of property.
1. To bring to pass; to achieve; to accomplish; as, to effect an object or purpose.

 Well, I am back.  I went 5 days without the internet and found that very frustrating.  I couldn't blog or research or create or anything.  Wow, how my life has become dependent on the computer!  It's good that I had my phone.  Otherwise, I'd have had no contact with the outside world whatsoever.  Phew!  

Something I've noticed about the E-words is that I can't do them at the end of the day.  I have to be prepared bright and early every morning with the word, the definition, etc.  These are VERBS.  That gives a clear indication that they have to be acted upon, and I can't act on the e-words without intent.  So I have to evaluate them and use them with INTENT.  I need a planner for this.  I think I'll invent one. 

My word yesterday was "effect".  I LOVED this word!  I had to ask myself all day, "Self, what effect will this have?"  and "Self, will this have the desired effect?"  "Self, you have the power to effect a change."  By the end of the day, I could sit and reflect on whether I effected people, places and things.  What effect does my presence have in the home?  What effect do I WANT it to have in the home?  With my children?  My spouse?  The house itself?  Did I effect?

When I go into a situation, do I leave it in a different state than when I arrived?  Is it positive?  Or do I effect negatively?  Whoa.  These e-words are WAY different from the c-words.

I actually had to use this word with a specific purpose.  And I made the goal to be nice while doing it.  Not an easy task.  I made a list of the people I wanted to effect.  Then I made a list of how I could effect them. Then I went through and listed the things I want to effect for myself.  It only took a few minutes, but it certainly gave me focus for the day.  With the e-words, it is much more necessary to truly focus and pinpoint the reason I want what I want and how I'm gonna get it.  I could actually FEEL the focal point of it in my mind.  Quite extraordinary.

When all was said and done, I effected change on everyone around me.  And they, too, effected change within me.  I effected a change for a missionary by sending him a letter in response to a question he posed to me.  I effected a change in my household, in that I cleaned it. (I was gone for 1 1/2 weeks, leaving the care of the household to my husband.  Need I say more?)  I did things with purpose yesterday.  It was wonderful.  I hope I effected positive change in others.  I know this effected positive change in me. 

Effect.  Powerful word. 

1 comment:

  1. Larry, remember to think about the effect you have had in the past as well. Some amazing things are happening because you spoke out...or thought out loud.

    Also, thanks so much for the D&C 4 reference. I have been looking everywhere but there. You can't search the Standard Works for it by entering "christian virtues." :) You ROCK!!
